
Are you looking for a cost efficient and environmentally friendly transport solution? From our locations in Moerdijk and Duisburg (Germany) we provide you with rail transport from and to destinations throughout Europe. If the recipient does not have a rail connection, we provide a combination of rail and road transport.

Duisburg is the largest rail hub in Europe. Thanks to our local office in Duisburg, we have a direct connection to the largest railway network in Europe.

Would you like to know more? Please contact us.

Do you have a question or do you want to request a quote?

Call us via +31 168 393 201 or fill in the form below.




Euro-Rijn Global Logistics - New Rotterdam office

We are proud to announce the opening of a new office location in Rotterdam, Waalhaven. Euro-Rijn started its’ business more than 45 years ago in Rotterdam so with our new location we are back on familiar ground.

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Euro-Rijn Global Logistics - New Rotterdam office