
Are you looking for high quality road salt at a competitive price? We can often deliver within 24 hours. We supply different types of salt and brine for ice control. Our salt meets both Dutch and European standards for road salt.

Rock salt road salt

There are three types of road salt: sea salt, vacuum salt and rock salt. Eurosalt mainly trades rock salt as road salt. Road salt has a low moisture content and is therefore easy to keep and always ready for use. Tests conducted by the Dutch Department of Public Works have shown that rock salt is the most efficient product for ice-prevention and de-icing purposes.

Wet salt

Wet salt is nothing more or less than ready-to-use brine. So the salt is already mixed with water, which makes the melting process faster. Another advantage of sprinkling wet salt is that it does not blow and is more economical. Spreading wet salt is also more environmentally friendly and more economical.


Of course, we are also happy to provide you with advice regarding our products and the process of de-icing in general. With decades of experience, we gladly think along with you about the best strategy for de-icing.

Would you like to know more? Please contact us.

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Euro-Rijn Group Danser Group 2

Completion of acquisition: Familiar faces return to Danser Group

The recent acquisition of Danser Group by Euro-Rijn Group ensures that familiar faces are returning to Danser Group. In this way, the former shareholders return to the daily management team of the company as well as fellow shareholders in the company.

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Completion of acquisition: Familiar faces return to Danser Group