
Food salt plays an important role in the production and processing of food. Not only as a seasoning, but also as a preservative. Eurosalt offers the food industry a large number of food salt products from renowned manufacturers in bulk and various forms of packaging.

Table salt

Eurosalt supplies a wide range of food salts in different packaging that are tailored to specific uses in terms of handling and desing. The range of table salt products includes both sea salt and vacuum salt qualities.

Nitrite salt for meat processing

Nitrite salt protects meat products against the growth of bacteria. The nitrite salt enhances the flavour, stabilises the colour and improves the texture of the meat. The high decomposition factor prevents staining of the meat. The selected grain size ensures a good mix of salt and nitrite.

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Euro-Rijn Group Danser Group 2

Completion of acquisition: Familiar faces return to Danser Group

The recent acquisition of Danser Group by Euro-Rijn Group ensures that familiar faces are returning to Danser Group. In this way, the former shareholders return to the daily management team of the company as well as fellow shareholders in the company.

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Completion of acquisition: Familiar faces return to Danser Group